Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tuesday, August 19

Written by Eric Alves acting the Class Scribe

-Reading Quiz
-Double-Entry Journal Prep
-Lit Circle Prep
-Round 1
-Round 2

Big Learning Targets:
5.0 Can I Participate effectively in high-quality, text-based discussions with diverse partners.

Supporting Learning Targets:
5.1 I can follow norms of discussion
5.2 I can September goals for discussion

Felipe, Lucas and Rachel Having A Good Discussion
        Hi, I'm Eric Alves and today I'm going to be the Class Scribe. Today in class, we started with the Do-Now, Which was about how, When we are in a conversation, we want to talk most of the team. Usually we tend to talk about ourselves and our own experiences, and for our Do-Now, That was the main point of discussion. We read a little paragraph about, thinking, telling, asking, listening when in the discussion. After reading que we had to write in out own words what each one of Those mean, then talk with a partner.
Our Do-Now
          After que, we had a short three question reading test. This reading quiz is about the first paragraph of Ties That Bind, Ties That Break. Reading this was last nights homework, so the quiz was to check if we did it and if we really understand the book.
Now we had a Double-Entry Journal Prep, to get ready for the Lit Circle. For this we got our Double-Entry Journal (Which is where we write a few quotes from the story and make a comment or question on), and we wrote some quotes, questions and comments from Ms. V chapter 1 gave each table a Lit Circle Rubric (section 1), for us to know what is expected and what we should try to Achieve. The Learning Target for this rubric was: 5.1 I can come prepared for discussion.
Ms. Vallillo Good Teaching Us About Discussions
         After que, Ms. V asked for three volunteers, que came up to the front table and Showed us what a good discussion and looked like a bad discussion. Then we Were Given the que sheet says all of the discussion norms, and discussion agenda. The Discussion was the agenda:
-Membership Activity (Sharing favorite food and music)
-What Did you think of the reading? (Sharing your thoughts about the reading with a partner)
-Clarifying Questions / What happened in this section of the book? (Ties that Bind, Ties That Break, chapter 1)
-Deeper Discussion
          On the other side of the sheet with The Lit Circle Norms and agenda, was a sheet with all of the discussion notes. On the sheet was where we Could write our goals for discussion, and the conversations we had and what we think of it. Then we Were Given another sheet que was about Text-Based Discussion Language, were we can write if we agree, build-on, disagree or question what other people think or said. On the same page you can Also write of Language Analysis, where we can write what other people made you think, and you can write what you think of Certain parts of the text. 
Thereza Working Hard
          I would like to give a student Protasio appreciation to Theresa for helping me with the Class Scribe images for this post, because I Could Not Appear to get the images the way I wanted it to, but Thereza Helped me get it to work, so I want to give her a special shoutout.
Discussion Sheet

          Today there's the homework, so you're free for today!
Lit Circle Rubric
Norms and Discussion Schedule

1 comment:

  1. Eric,
    You did an excelent job. You had so much information in there!!! When you added the work we did it was clear what we had done. You have some pictures that were helpful like the rubric, if someone had forgotten it, it would have been really helpful. Your post was amazing!!
