Saturday, August 16, 2014

Class Scribe of the Day: Nina Stevens

Rachel and Jae working on their Do Now
Do Now
Review Gisting
Character Tea Party
Workshop: Prepping for lit circles

The first thing we did today was the Do Now. In the Do Now we did some gisting. We needed to choose between gist 1 and 2. Some questions that were on the Do Now were what is gisting, how do you gist, why does gisting help readers make meaning of a text, when would be a good time to use this reading strategy, and when would you probably not use this strategy. Then, we met with our partners and talk about these questions. I would like to congratulate Felipe and Lara because they were talking about these questions really well and sharing what they wrote.

The second thing we did today was the Character Tea Party. We needed to act like the character and represent the character. We wrote the characteristics in the Character Tea Party paper. Everybody walked around the room and played their character, so the goal was to get information about a lot of characters.I want to congratulate Thereza because she was really good at being in character and when we needed to go back to our seats she went directly and listened to the next instructions. After that we did some predictions about the book that we are going to read, Ties that Bind, Ties that Break. 

The third thing we did today was reading the prologue of Ties that Bind, Ties that Break. We marked the important things that we read and asked questions.

Homework: Finish Prologue and add 1-2 comments.

Felipe raising his hand to speak

1 comment:

  1. I really think that you followed the learning target 3.2, if I missed 1 day of school and I read you post I would really know what the class did. Good job Nina
