Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Class for 2/18!

Today in humanities class, we learned a lot about inferences.  First we did our Do Now which was the mini quiz for the book City of Ember.  We couldn't use our books for it, as always.

We then had our Lit Circle, but it was quite different than the one that we normally do.  One of the people kept track of how much we spoke and how much times we got off topic.

We also talked about inferences, and we discussed about how to infer supported by the text.  Ms. V called on volunteers to share inferences that they made using the text.  Remember: inference is an educated guess, not a random one.

We finally made a blog post reflecting our lit circle, using digital tools such as skitch and popplet to make our blog post better.  For example, in popplet, you can write down the group members' name and then connect the popples to a core value and show evidence of it from the lit circle.  Or in skitch, you can take a photo of a page on the book and edit it so that the readers will know what you are talking about.  Remember to label it with 6th grade and humanities!

We have some homework today.  They are listed below!  
By: Nana Block 1
Evidence from the text

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