Thursday, November 7, 2013

Class Today!

We started off by the due now which was just to read our book, One Day Lily, One Day, and answer some simple questions.

Then, we filled out a form about the main character from One Day Lilly One Day to look deeper into writing our book
Then, we walked around the classroom to look at pictures to get us inspired about our main character. We all took a picture from the floor or chairs to keep it as and idea.

So, after the Gallery Walk, we went back to our seats to complete a form on our drive called "Historical Fiction Brainstorming and Planning 2: Main Character Questionnaire" where we filled out all of this personal info about our character for our short story due at the end of the quarter. 

To conclude the day, we made a summary of our story using the format "someone ... wanted ... but ... so ..." Everyone had a great idea and were ready for their stories!

Our homework is to finish One Day Lily, One Day+home work sheet that has clarifying questions and summery on it.

 Written by your class scribe Claudia



  1. I liked your post because you told us what happened in class step by step and I am pretty sure you didn't leave anything out. I also liked how you posted a picture of the learning targets of the day and the agenda of the day. I am not sure what you could improve on because I think your post includes the main idea.

  2. I think you did a nice job in your post. You could've had included more details and make sure the pictures were better quality so we could read what was on the papers. Overall, it was good.

  3. Claudia,
    I really liked your blog post. One of the reasons why I liked it is because whenever you put a photo, you explained what we did with it, or what it was for. Keep up the good blog post!
    - Natalia

  4. Great Job, Claudia! I read the questionnaire about your main character and I think your story will be great. I liked how you included everything we did, and included the exit ticket. I didn't remember that. I also, really, liked how you took some pictures of the pictures in the gallery walk to show the idea of what we were looking for. Congratulations Claudia!

  5. Claudia, I really love how you put all of the things that we had done in class by the sequence, and I think it was good. I like how you added a screen of the character worksheet that we had done in class. It was really clear of what we actually did in class, and if you were not really there, then you can check this blog and know what we did right away!

  6. I like how you embed example of things. For example when we were making up our main character. I think that one thing that you can improve on is the quality of the images. They were really good examples but I couldn't see them very well.

  7. Claudia, I really thought that you did a great job on listing what we did in order and what it was and what we were supposed to do. I also thought and liked the organization that you did and know it was in order like our class agenda was. The only thing was that you should've taken photos with better quality. They matched what we did but the quality wasn't that good. Congrats anyways!

  8. I think you did a good job on your post. I think it was interesting how you said what we did in class. I also liked how put the homework we had to do because that would give the reader a good clear picture about what we are studying.

  9. Claudia, I really liked the hard work you put in this blog and listing the things we did in order and everything. I also really liked the photos you put, they were really creative and fun! You did an awesome job in being our class scribe! CONGRATS
