Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Class Scribe - Lupe

- Do Now
- Vocab Tableaux
- Revisit questions                                                                               Lupe acting as class scribe
- Reading Time
- Speed Dating

Lately, in class, we have been doing the same things, first Do Now, then vocab, then revisiting questions, then reading time, and last but not least, speed dating. This has been our routine lately and it has been working out pretty well.

We started with the Do Now. It was a reading about dams. Lately we have been concentrating in dams and trying to connect dams to the book City of Ember. We are investigating different dams, and today we studied the dam in China, its called China's Three Gorges Dam. We have started to notice that dams are controversial, and that it isn't always the best idea to make  a dam.

After that, we started doing tableaux. We each had 2 words and had to make 2 Tableaux. We started discussing what to do and then started trying different posses and trying different expresions to fit the word(s).  Everyone worked really well and tryed really hard. Before trying to guess, we all took out our vocab sheet just to have an idea of what words we had to guess from. Everyone did an amazing job, they had  alot of fun, and they all made the funniest and wierdest poses. 

Then, we read. Afterwards, we discussed our ideas by speed dating.

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